Sunday, October 18, 2009

Futsal Futsale Futsalo

18 october 2009, Menglembu
Kontigen UTP terdiri dr 8 pahlawan2 tegap berangkat ke Planet Sukan untuk bertanding Piala Persahabatan antara team Tua Kuat Emo ngn team budak POli botak. Berikut adalah beberapa2 bingkisan video dan gamba yg sempat dirakam oleh amatur photograher,si BUntal Kentot Wangi.=P(bun jgn mrah)

Pic 1: Teloq dh sewel

pic 2: Bun puas lepas kentot

pic 3: Soufi berzikir gamoknye,sambil tersengih

pic 4: Amir Kela,si pawang eh penjaga gawang

Pic 5: Jaring

Pic 6: Haziq kate dia kena raba time ni,kt mane kena tu?--> sensored

Pic 7:In action

Pic 8:Soufi terkangkang

Pic 9: along cube rembat tp x masuk

Pic 10: Botak Poli ni x pueh ati ngn aku

Pic 11:along took corner kick

Pic 12: wacaaaaaa

Pic 13: Skill Kentot x basuh by Haziq

Pic 14: Skill Cirit by Along

Pic 15: Skill terencat x sudah by Soleh

Kesimpulannya, mlm tu dapat la kitorg lepas gian maen futsal di court yg stended di Ipoh lepas dh 2 tahun x pg sane. Org2 sane pon tnye pasal dak2 UTP yg da jarang dtg, sy pon membagitau diorg UTP dh ade court baru senirik,sbb tu laaa,hehehe..."ooo mcm tu ke",respond diorg kpd sy. Papepon game mlm tu enjoy la jugak walopon maen dgn strangers, 2 jam round-robbin(betol ke eja?) ade mng,ade seri,ade kalah..adat lah tu..trima sume yg dtg n trimas team pakcik2 ipoh tue n budak poli terutamanya budak botak yg x puas ati kt aku tu. Haha. mahap zahir batin


Friday, October 16, 2009

Beautiful Song From Beautiful Miley

I've relished this song since months ago and still,yet dont feel any boredom inside it,haha.The melodious voice and inspiring words from lovely Miley. It whips up the spirit and not let you down when you feel it. It makes us to mull over that life is not that easy and there are fluctuating times,where we go up and down always around, and it challenges us to keep the faith that has been predestined into our life. Be strong dude! There's nothing simple and spoon-feeding everytime we wake up for a new day.

After all, you Miley is soooo charming and adorable!!!! Luv it!~jiwang lak,hehe~

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jangan Main2 dengan Solat

Kawan-kawan, untuk renungan bersama. Saya tertarik dengan artikel ini kerana masa skrg, masih ramai org yang tidak mampu untuk melaksanakan solat sedangkan mampu membuat perkara2 yg lg berat dr solat. Sedangkan solat baru shj 5 kali sehari dan setiap waktu lebih kurg 5 min jerk kite solat. Akhir zaman makin muncul dan buatlah apa yg perlu dibuat. Kita tahu apa yg penting, ape yg tidak penting dalam hidup. Jangan terbalikkan dan sempurnakanlah sementara masih ada waktu.Pada satu senja yang lengang, kelihatan seorang wanita berjalan dalam keadaan terhuyung-hayang. Pakaiannya yang serba hitam menunjukkan dia dicengkam kesedihan manakala kerudungnya menangkup rapat hampir seluruh wajahnya.Tanpa bersolek atau memakai perhiasan lain di tubuhnya, kulit yang bersih, badan ramping dan roma mukanya yang ayu, tidak dapat menghapus kesan kepedihan yang sedang membelenggu hidupnya.Dia melangkah perlahan-lahan mendekati rumah Nabi Musa a.s. Pintu diketuknya perlahan-lahan pelan sambil mengucapkan uluk salam. Apabila terdengar ucapan ‘silakan masuk’ dari dalam, wanita cantik itu melangkah masuk sambil kepalanya terus tertunduk.Air matanya berderai ketika dia berkata: “Wahai Nabi Allah. Tolonglah saya. Doakan saya supaya Tuhan berkenan mengampuni dosa keji saya.”“Apakah dosamu wahai wanita ayu?” tanya Nabi Musa a.s. terkejut. “Saya takut mengatakannya,” jawab wanita cantik itu. “Katakanlah jangan ragu-ragu!” desak Nabi Musa.Lalu wanita itu memulakan cerita, “Saya...telah berzina.” Kepala Nabi Musa terangkat, hatinya tersentak. Perempuan itu meneruskan, “Dari perzinaan itu saya pun... lantas hamil. Setelah anak itu lahir, langsung saya... cekik lehernya sampai... mati,” ucap wanita itu sambil menangis sekuat-kuat hati.Mata Nabi Musa berapi-api dan dengan muka berang, dia mengherdik, “Perempuan jahat, nyah kamu dari sini! Supaya seksa Allah tidak jatuh ke dalam rumahku kerana perbuatanmu. Pergi!” teriak Nabi Musa sambil memalingkan muka kerana jijik.Mendengar herdikan itu, wanita itupun segera bangun dan berlalu dengan hati hancur luluh. Ketika keluar dari rumah Nabi Musa, ratapannya amat memilukan. Baginya, ke mana lagi hendak mengadu kerana apabila seorang Nabi sudah menolaknya, bagaimana pula manusia lain bakal menerimanya? Terbayang betapa besar dosanya dan jahat perbuatannya.Tetapi dia tidak tahu bahawa sepeninggalannya, Malaikat Jibril turun berjumpa Nabi Musa. Lalu Jibril bertanya: “Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak bertaubat dari dosanya? Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar daripadanya?”Nabi Musa terperanjat. “Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari kekejian wanita penzina dan pembunuh itu?” tanya Nabi Musa kepada Jibril. “Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada perempuan yang nista itu?”“Ada!” jawab Jibril dengan tegas. “Dosa apakah itu?” tanya Nabi Musa lagi. “Orang yang meninggalkan solat dengan sengaja dan tanpa menyesal. Orang itu dosanya lebih besar daripada seribu kali berzina.”Mendengar penjelasan itu, Nabi Musa kemudian memanggil wanita itu untuk menghadapnya semula. Dia mengangkat tangan dengan khusyuk untuk memohon keampunan kepada Allah s.w.t untuk wanita itu.Nabi Musa menyedari, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja dan tanpa penyesalan adalah sama saja seperti berpendapat bahawa sembahyang itu tidak wajib dan tidak perlu atas dirinya. Bererti, dia seakan-akan menganggap remeh perintah Tuhan, bahkan seolah-olah menganggap Tuhan tiada hak untuk mengatur dan memerintah hamba-Nya.Manakala orang yang bertaubat dan menyesali dosanya dengan sungguh-sungguh bererti masih mempunyai iman di dadanya dan yakin bahawa Allah s.w.t itu berada di jalan ketaatan kepada-Nya.Itulah sebabnya Tuhan pasti mahu menerima kedatangannya.

(Dikutip dari buku 30 kisah teladan - KH Abdurrahman Arroisy

Boleh tak kita fikir,macamane kita nk score exam if kite hanya jawab 3 or 4 soalan daripada total 5 soalan dlm exam dan each soalan carries 20mark. Dah la coursework mark pun rendah.

Dan macamane kita nak mintak Allah redha kalo kita hanya tunaikan 3 or 4 waktu daripada 5 waktu solat sehari semalam? Dah la amalan2 laen pon kurang.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emel from PETRONAS

Alhamdulillah, I hope this is the beginning of million miles ahead. I wish good luck to other colleagues. Those who dont get their names in the list, dont be worry coz another batches of interview will be coming next. More importantly, dont miss even a single time of solat and pray thoroughly. Because we are trying hard, but dont ever forget Him, whom bestows us rewards, success and tests us with unwell circumtances and hard predicaments. Those who strong will survive and I'll pray for all our successes. Congratez to frens who already employed by Baker Huges. You are going to US and Dubai rite? That sounds soo cool!!! Congratez frens who qualified to Engineering Design Exhibition (EDX) and congratez all frens who are about to leave this wonderful UTP.(kalo ade yg x suke UTP,abaikan la,haha). The journey is just to commence. It is long long way to go. May Allah bless all of us. Amin.


Kindly be informed that you have been successfully shortlisted for PETRONAS. In order to proceed the next steps, we will require you to complete the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) which will provide us more information about you. The purpose of such assessment is to enable a better appreciation of your personality preferences for mainly selection and job matching purposes.
This email is to notify you of the steps involved in undertaking an OPQ personality profiling assessment for PETRONAS. To complete this questionnaire, you will need to go to and follow the instructions. You will need to use your username and password, which were sent to you in a separate email.
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You can access the web page through any internet provider.
When you access the web page, the task of completing the questionnaire will be marked ''Complete the Occupational Personality Questionnaire'' in your task list. (The questionnaire you are to complete is called the Occupational Personality Questionnaire - version 32i). This should take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete. It should be completed by 31/12/2009.
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Thank you.
HR Planning and Recruitment
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"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."

Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


After more than a month I didn't write anything on this panel due to giving chance on the bus info+details for previous Hari RAYa, I feel it is now the correct time plus good mood to start narrating again! I resuscitate myself that I own a blog and I should proceed after a long 'recuperation' at home even after coming back to college. Yet before anything I hope I can still wish this, Happy Edulfitri to all who read this irrespective of whoever you are, especially those who were taking my bus for your last holiday, and of course I would like too to convey my deep apologize should anything bad occured unintentionally or intentionally through out my humble bus services. I hope this services had accomodated everybody comfortably, okeh ^ *.

Now coming to another business. My comrades from the same batch are now struggling in completing our individual final year project cum seeking at least a placement to be secured once graduating, which is just around the corner. Conscious or not, everybody is getting older and about to plunge into another level of life, a life with a career. Seeking a company is not an easy stint, over the months this job hunting running, every body entices potential employers with outstanding resume writing, marketable documents and good self selling points. What else to do. This is a job hunting period and if you are part of us, you will feel this deeply.

For me,to establish a career with a company is like to propose a betrothal or marriage with a girl. We have to be witty enough to promote ourselves and being accepted later or otherwise, live as a lonely boy which can possibly screw up our entire life ^_*. A girl will barely accept the proposal of engagement unless she knows who you really are internally and externally. To some extent, if the girl is already agreed with you, there is still another predicament, of course it is word from girl's guardian. Hehe, if she is saying 'aye' doesnt mean the parents will do so. Am I right? So then another conflict begins, either she hardly comes to you or devotes to her parents will, you can contemplate another story here. The same condition may happen when we apply for a job. Series of interviews await ahead. Technical interview, structured interivew, IQ test, ability test, you name it! When you pass the 1st phase doesnt guarantee you can smile yet. No it is not. Next you have to face the 'parents of the girl', that is the second or third stage, so on and so forth. Then you will see either you are good enough to be there or not. The key point here is that, you have to be blatantly competent in marketing your strength, your fortes, your willingness, your capability and even your desires.

I'm a PETRONAS scholar. Five years back I've dealt and signed on a contract with my sponsor. More or less, the content of the contract or agreement sounds 5 years of sponsorship is equivalent to 10years of working under this association. Breach the contract means lump sum payment back to sponsor, which after calculation, may incur 100k of ringgit Malaysia, but I believe the amount is exceeding that value. But the issue is, not all bonded students guaranteed to be absorbed back into organization. And at the same time, other companies are so reluctant to approach us as they conscious of our bonding with the sponsor. So where to go?

I'm not lamenting to be a scholar, in fact I'm happy enough PETRONAS supports me, and also my colleagues with financial aid which covers all basic and necessary stuffs, but what I'm trying to say is that, there is no easy way to success and to plug a career in life. In this current situation, I mean in the global economic turndown and recession period, the situation is getting harder and harder and consequently thousands unemployed graduates are still awaiting for their places. Why?? Diminishing profits and value rife inside companies and they are not able to accomodate such huge numbers of job applicants. For some motivations and little enlightment to my friends and I here, especially those who are engineer to be, lets catch a glimpse on what was said by a lecturer of mine. "Every year there were around 30 thousands engineering graduates churned out from higher institutions in this country". Such a big value right?? and don't sit back and expect all 30k people will be getting respective employer so common sense, a tough and might be vulnerable race is just taking place now and 30k runners will compete one another. Promote and market ourselves, and finally lets see who is going to the pinnacle and secure the placement! Not to forget supplicate and pray fervently to God as He is the best in assisting us. I wish I can write longer because lot of points are still be there inside my small mind but maybe another time, test is coming and study is vital for the sake of lulus! Huh. Enough till here. Good luck friends

P/s: And my lecturer also said, engineer is not just to earn big money, more importantly to contribute to mankind, society and environment. Do we realize this?? my answer..Maybe =)

Ridzwan Hanaffi
Final Semester Student,
Mechanical Engineering Dept,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS