Actually sekejap jerk kt Kuala Woh memandangkan dah penat kitorg berendam mcm badak kt air terjun. Sebenarnya Bun sorg jerk badak. Eh Khairi sekali.haha
Perot dh berkeroncong, next is Mee Rebus Ramli kt Ipoh,yeayyy..sedap woooo
Adorable nye awak!! Nanti balik rumah bakal mertua kt Msia saya banje aiskrim yeh!Balik cepat2 tau!!! Mak nk jumpe ^_*
P/s: Leh x saya terajang kepala lutut saya senirik sbb berangan lebey!~Aiseh T_T
DON’T play with other Mother Nature. That is my advice to women of child-bearing age who think that science and modern technology in fertility treatment is answer to everything. Don’t put off pregnancy until a later age for selfish. I DID THAT and REGRET putting off-child bearing until my biological clock sounded the alarm.
A 30-plus, firmly grounded after a stressful career, a husband and everything else except a baby to complete the family, I went for fertility treatment. It was not easy. There were plenty if tears, hormonal injections and expensive medical fees.
When I was younger, I chose not to get pregnant and even terminated one. Five years after I stopped fertility treatment, I was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus. For those who have no choice but to freeze their eggs for medical purposes, it is an option with no guarantee. But don’t take the easy way out, thinking that “since others are freezing their eggs for later use, I should also do it”.
Balancing your life with family life is a better option than delaying motherhood.
And nak tambah sket.
No matter how hard you focus on your stints and chase for the money to survive, put your family at the top of pinnacle. It is our obligation to treat them as 1st priority rather than anything else.
So now, you may think and keep pondering yourself what to do and what to choose. KAWEN?? Bajet x de la, haha I think most guys are always thinking about this,badly. Marriage is a matter of bulks. Surely this moment, I mean at our current age, tantalising of seeking partner is a major feeling engulfed inside our brains (not all la), haha but the constraint is.... Mak aiiii sampai 15 ribu!!! Dah2 aku xnk kawen, mane nk kaut duit byk ni, kawen kt siam sudah~
Uups, girls pls dont put your price up too much, we realize that diploma and degree educated ones will cost the least Rm10k..amboi nk kawen pon siap ade education level assessment,KPI siap.. if lawyer, doc, eng means the cost would fold up double or triple no, this is not the way of Islam, this is the trend of crumbled culture inside Malaysian minds. Lets annihilate this awkward mind and pls tune into proper one. I strongly believe the success of partnership is the complementary to each other, it is not about the money, physical appearances, family background and etc. Courtesy, attitude, good soul, strong religion uphold are the KPIs in seeking the 'calon'. This is modern day, somehow different people judge from different angles, views and thoughts. Ehhh belom keje lg laa dh pk nk kawenn..daahh pegi belaja, degree pon belom abes nk pk pasal kawen. Thinking about finishing my study and not yet receive any work offer eliminates my mood to write on marriage issue much longer,haha. Dush dush!! Lempang pipi senirik..chow2,wsalam ^^
Alahai suwitnye,DUSH!!da2,berangan!!
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